Each Monday at Learn and Laugh Rosebery, Katie from Inner Child Yoga comes to visit us and
teaches the Senior Preschool Room about Yoga. The children have built such a strong connection
with Katie and welcomed her back with open arms when she returned after the Christmas break.
There are so many benefits to children taking part in yoga classes. It can help with balance,
flexibility, strength and coordination as well as benefiting their concentration, sense of calm and
Katie has taught the children many different things such as ‘cultivating kindness’ by increasing the
children’s awareness of how they speak to each other.
Katie also holds classes around ‘empathy’ – empathy is thinking and understanding how another
person feels. Showing empathy is an important part of being a friend and getting along with others.
The children have benefited greatly from Katie’s weekly visits. They have gained a better
understanding of themselves and the world around them. Conversations have been overheard
between the children, stemming from Katie’s classes. They look forward to seeing her every week!