When managing centre waitlist's Learn & Laugh are responsible for following the priority of access guidelines stating that working parents / studying parents / parents with disabilities are given priority.
To place your child’s name on our waiting list, please use the links provided on the Our Centres page, for the centre you wish to enrol.
There is no charge involved with placing your name on our waiting list.
As our licensed numbers are limited, we are unable to guarantee placement to all applicants.
Opportunities to view the centre can be made available, please contact the centre’s director.
Once a place becomes available you will be contacted by the centre’s director and a position will be offered to you.
We look forward to meeting you and your child(ren)!
Fees are due from the first day of enrolment to the last day of enrolment.
The only exception is on days the centre is closed. We do not charge fees for public holidays.
Payments of Fees are processed fortnightly on a Thursday, a week in advance; and include fees for 2 weeks; the current week and the following week.
Learn & Laugh send invoices at the beginning of payment week, to allow families to have enough time to prepare for the transaction on Thursday.
From July 2023, it became a Government requirement that the gap fee must be paid electronically. At Learn and Laugh, all fees are paid by direct debit through OWNA (including credit cards).
If you have any concerns or queries regarding your account, please contact us.
Please refer to our fee policy/parent handbook for more information regarding our required notice period, fees for absent-first/absent-last days and absent days in general.
OWNA is a government-approved software that links us, the childcare provider, to ‘Services Australia’/Centrelink.
Once the family’s records match those of centrelink, a formal enrolment is established, and all of the attendance records are systematically updated with Centrelink automatically.
We, the child care provider, send attendances at the end of each week. Once the records get processed, the benefits are then applied to the parents’ account and only the gap fees are charged to the family.
Linking Your Child/Children’s Records to Centrelink:
In order to establish the necessary link, we will require you to provide us with following details:
This system allows for automatic up-dates between our service and Centrelink. This includes any changes to benefits you may receive and your elected method of these payments etc.
If you have not done so already please contact Services Australia on 136 150 and ask to be assessed for CCS.
Having a CRN is not enough to establish the mentioned link; each family must be assessed per child in order to “activate” the process.