At Learn and Laugh Rosebery, we are very passionate about our community and its involvement in our service. We invite our community in to our service as well as host family events.

School Performance Tours

Each year, we schedule educational shows with School Performance Tours. These shows are interactive and purposeful and the children love them. Through puppets, comedy, music and much more, the children are taught important life lessons such as the importance of friendship, our planet, road safety etc.


Police/Fire Brigade Visits

We invite our local police officers and fire brigade into our service annually. They are very happy to provide an educational talk with the children and demonstrate to them what to do in case of an emergency. The children are also given the opportunity to climb into the fire truck!


Mother’s Night/Grandparents Day

To celebrate Mother’s Day, we hold a Mother’s/special person night. We invite the Mum’s into our service after hours to share some food, drinks and fun. We play games and hold a raffle where some prizes are on offer. The parents are given the opportunity to build connections with other parents and some great friendships have been formed.


Each year we also celebrate Grandparents Day where we invite Grandparents and special people into our service for morning tea. After morning tea, the grandparents are invited to take part in an art activity with the children.